About Us

About Hardwood Geek

Welcome to Hardwood Geek, your ultimate destination for all things hardwood. We’re passionate about the timeless beauty, durability, and versatility of hardwood, and we’re here to share our knowledge, insights, and expertise with you. Whether you’re a seasoned hardwood enthusiast or just a worried homeowner wanting to maintain your hardwood floors, we’ve got you covered.

What We Do?

At Hardwood Geek, our mission is clear: to be your go-to resource for everything related to hardwood. Here’s a glimpse into what we do:

In-Depth Reviews

We take pride in providing comprehensive and unbiased reviews of hardwood products, from flooring options to furniture and beyond. Our team of experts meticulously assesses each product’s quality, craftsmanship, and value so you can make informed decisions for your home or project.

Expert Tips and Guides

Whether you’re looking for tips on hardwood floor maintenance, advice on choosing the perfect wood species for your space, or step-by-step installation guides, we’re here to assist you every step of the way. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to make your hardwood projects a success.


Hardwood trends are always evolving, and we’re dedicated to keeping you in the loop. From emerging design trends to sustainable sourcing practices, we’ll help you stay current in the ever-changing world of hardwood.

How We Do It?

Our commitment to excellence extends to how we deliver our content and services:

Thorough Research

Our team of hardwood geeks is passionate about their craft. We dive deep into the world of hardwood, conducting extensive research to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information.

Clear and Accessible Content

We believe that learning about hardwood should be enjoyable and easy to understand. Our articles, guides, and reviews are written in a user-friendly manner, making even complex topics accessible to all.

Community Engagement

We value your input and questions. Feel free to reach out, leave comments, or connect with us on social media. We’re here to foster a thriving community of hardwood enthusiasts who share their experiences and insights.

Meet the Team

Hardwood Geek is more than just a blog; it’s a community of like-minded individuals who share a deep appreciation for hardwood in all its forms. Behind the scenes at Hardwood Geek, there’s a passionate team dedicated to bringing you the best in hardwood expertise.

Mel Jenner, Founder, Editor-In-Chief

A lifelong hardwood enthusiast, Mel founded Hardwood Geek to share her love for wood and provide valuable information to fellow enthusiasts. With a background in interior design, Natalie leads the team in curating top-notch content.

Lucas Bennett, Blog Content Writer

Lucas is our resident wordsmith. He transforms his hardwood knowledge into engaging articles and guides, blending creativity with a passion for sustainable design in every article he crafts.

David Oakley, Woodworking Expert

As our in-house woodworking expert, David has a knack for turning raw wood into beautiful creations. His hands-on experience and craftsmanship add a unique perspective to our content.

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