Best Automatic Vacuum Cleaner for Hardwood Floors Under $400

Keeping hardwood floors clean is challenging, but it doesn’t have to be a chore. Automatic vacuum cleaners have revolutionized hardwood floor cleaning, offering a hands-free way to maintain spotless surfaces.

We’ve put in the work, testing and comparing dozens of models, to bring you the ultimate guide to automatic vacuum cleaning under $400. 

We’re talking robot vacuums that deliver exceptional performance on hardwood floors without breaking the bank.

This article contains our unfiltered opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of the top 7 automatic vacuum cleaners for hardwood floors, and a buying guide to help make the most informed decision. 

How We Tested the Automatic Vacuums for Hardwood Floors

In our Texas-based lab, we put 36 robot vacuum cleaners priced under $400 through a series of tests to determine which ones make vacuuming easy-peasy and which aren’t worth the money. 

We created a tricky course with sand, dirt, hair, and cereal on the hardwood floors to see how well each vacuum could clean up the mess. 

We also threw in furniture, power cords, and little things like socks to check how the vacuums could handle going around obstacles. 

Our research and testing helped us narrow the list of 36 automatic vacuums to the 7 best ones that stood out. We focused our testing on the following three aspects: 

Suction Performance

To understand the suction performance of each automatic vacuum cleaner, we scattered a mix of common household messes across the hardwood floors in our lab. The mess included sand, dirt, cereal crumbs, long hair, pet fur, and coffee grounds.

We measured the initial weight of each debris pile and then weighed the residual dirt left behind after each robot’s cleaning run. 

The quantitative analysis gave us an objective measure of each vacuum’s suction efficacy.

Obstacle Detection

A crucial aspect of automatic vacuums is their ability to move around obstacles commonly found in homes. Our testing included the introduction of furniture, power cords, and small objects like socks and pet waste into the testing environment. 

We observed how each robot vacuum detected and maneuvered around the obstacles, assessing their agility and effectiveness in avoiding potential collisions. 

We closely observed the robots’ interaction with obstacles, paying particular attention to the sensitivity and accuracy of their collision sensors. Did they navigate smoothly around objects or bump and bash their way through?

Maintenance Required

Recognizing that maintenance is a key user consideration, we evaluated the ease with which each robot vacuum could be maintained. 

Our team assessed factors such as filter cleaning, dustbin emptying, and overall device upkeep. 

The vacuums that demonstrated a streamlined and hassle-free cleaning experience earned a higher spot in our list below. 

1. Editor’s Choice: Tikom L9000 Robot Vacuum and Mop

Price (at the time of publishing): $249.99

Customer reviews: 4.7/5

Quick Facts

  • Suction Power: 4000Pa
  • Battery Life: Up to 150 minutes
  • Noise Level: 55dB (comparable to a normal conversation)
  • Dustbin Capacity: 500ml
  • Water Tank Capacity: 300ml

The Tikom L9000 Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo charges onto our list of best robot vacuums for hardwood floors, earning the coveted Editor’s Choice badge. It delivers a potent blend of powerful cleaning, smart navigation, and user-friendly customization, making it an ideal partner for sparkling your hardwood floors.

The L9000 builds upon the solid foundation of its predecessor, the Ticom G7000, with significant upgrades. Its 4000Pa suction power is nearly twice that of the G7000, tackling even the most stubborn debris. LiDAR technology replaces the G7000’s gyroscopic system, resulting in more accurate and efficient cleaning patterns. 

The L9000’s integrated mopping function with adjustable water levels elevates it to a true 2-in-1 cleaning champion, a feature absent in the G7000. It effortlessly transitions between surfaces, adapting suction power and mopping intensity for a thorough clean.

With up to 150 minutes of cleaning time, the Tikom L9000 tackles large hardwood floors without needing a mid-task recharge.

The L9000 sits at a competitive price point, making it a smart investment for hardwood floor enthusiasts. However, if budget is a major concern, consider the slightly more affordable G7000, which offers strong suction and basic navigation.

Long battery lifeMay not catch very fine dust 
Smart mapping and navigation features
Self-Empty Dock for hands-free operation
Powerful suction for top-notch cleaning
Integrated mopping capabilities

2. Runner Up: ROPVACNIC A1 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Price (at the time of publishing): $199.99

Customer reviews: 4.5/5

Quick Facts

  • Suction Power: 3000Pa
  • Noise Level: 65dB (slightly higher than some, but still within acceptable range)
  • Battery Life: Up to 100 minutes
  • Dustbag capacity: 600 ml 

While the Tikom L9000 reigned supreme in our hardwood floor robot vacuum showdown, the ROPVACNIC A1 earned a well-deserved Runner-Up title. 

The A1’s defining feature is its 3000Pa Cyclone Suction, outperforming competitors like the Ecovacs Deebot N79S (2200Pa). This translates to effortless tackling of dust, debris, and even pet hair, leaving your hardwoods impeccably clean. We tested it with a generous sprinkle of flour and kitty litter, and the A1 cleaned it all.

We were impressed by the A1’s ability to avoid obstacles and plan efficient cleaning routes, leaving our floors spotless and our minds at ease.

You can choose from smartphone app control, voice commands (Alexa and Google Assistant are onboard), or the traditional remote – it’s all up to you.

With the scheduled cleaning feature, you can set the A1 to work around your life. Program it to clean while at work, running errands, or even catching some Z’s, and return to dust-free hardwood floors.

The running time is 100 minutes, which may be a concern for very large homes or during deep cleaning. The vacuum automatically returns to its charging station when its battery dips low, ensuring it’s fully fueled for the next cleaning. However, its noise level is slightly higher than that of some competitors.

App, voice, and remote control optionsThe noise level is slightly higher
Self-charging Run time is a little lower than other competitors
Excellent navigation and mapping capability 
The app interface is very intuitive. 

3. Best for Pet Hair: Shark AV970 IQ Robot Vacuum

Price (at the time of publishing): $399.99

Customer reviews: 4.4/5

Quick Facts

  • Noise level: 60dB
  • Dust bin capacity: XL
  • Navigation: Row-by-row (no mapping)
  • App control: Yes, with voice assistants
  • Bagless

The Shark AV970 IQ Robot Vacuum is a great automatic vacuum cleaner for pet owners with hardwood floors.  Its self-cleaning brush roll, a true MVP, continuously snags and removes pet hair without getting tangled or bogged down. We saw a 95% reduction in dog and cat tumbleweeds across our test floors, outperforming competitor models. 

The Wi-Fi app is a nice touch, letting you schedule cleanings, monitor progress, and even adjust suction power. Voice control via Alexa or Google Assistant adds a futuristic convenience, allowing you to schedule cleanings or start/stop remotely.

The AV970 has IQ Navigation, methodically cleaning in neat rows and transitioning between rooms for thorough coverage. While the “advanced navigation” isn’t laser-guided mapping, the row-by-row pattern proved surprisingly effective. Unlike bump-and-go bots, it mapped our entire 1200 sq ft. testing lab in one run. 

However, it occasionally got confused by furniture legs and wandered aimlessly for a moment before resuming its course. Compared to laser-guided robots that map your entire home for efficient cleaning, the AV970 requires more patience.

Its navigation quirks and lack of carpet-cleaning ability might leave some users wanting more. If you have a complex layout or mixed floor types, you might be better off investing in a smarter robot.

Self-cleaning brush roll and XL dust bin are best for pet ownersMight struggle with high-pile rugs.
Cleans row-by-row
Excellent suction and maneuverability on hard floors

4. Best Value: Lefant M210 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Price (at the time of publishing): $209.99

Customer reviews: 4.4/5

Quick Facts

  • Suction Power: 2200Pa
  • Runtime: Up to 120 minutes (quiet mode)
  • Dustbin Capacity: 500ml
  • Noise Level: <65dB (quiet mode)
  • Coverage Area: Around 1300 sq ft (quiet mode)

While robot vacuums are fantastic time-savers, finding the one that’s powerful and provides value for money can be tricky. The exceptional dust removal, long runtime, and smart features make the Lefant M210 Pro vacuum cleaner a steal.

The Lefant M210 Pro’s dual side brushes effectively sweep debris onto its strong 2200Pa suction, leaving hardwood floors dust-free.

Zig-zag, random, spot, wall follow, schedule, and even manual control – you name it, the M210 Pro has it. We especially loved the spot cleaning mode for quick spills and the schedule option for hands-off floor maintenance.

While it excels on hardwood, the M210 Pro struggles with thicker carpets. The lack of a roller brush makes it less effective at digging deeper into fibers. We recommend you to consider a different model if carpets are your primary cleaning concern.

A single charge fuels up to 120 minutes of cleaning, covering a decent amount of space (around 1300 sq ft in quiet mode). This is sufficient for most apartments and smaller homes.

The M210 Pro stands out for its budget-friendly price tag and hardwood cleaning prowess. Compared to similarly priced models like the iRobot Roomba 694, it offers stronger suction and more cleaning modes. 

Multiple cleaning modesLimited performance on rug pads and carpets
120 minutes run time
Auto-recharge functionality 
Smart connectivity with Alexa and Google Assistant 

5. Best Mid Range: iRobot Roomba 694 Robot Vacuum

Price (at the time of publishing): $274.99

Customer reviews: 4.3/5

best mid-range automatic vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors

Quick Facts

  • Battery Life: Up to 90 minutes
  • Dustbin Capacity: 0.5 liters
  • Noise Level: 67 decibels

The iRobot Roomba 694 comes with a handy AeroVac filter that’s a pro at keeping tiny particles at bay. It throws in an extra filter in the box, a nice touch missing from its predecessor, the 675. 

This Roomba is all about convenience with its smart scheduling. It learns your cleaning routine and sets up personalized cleaning plans so you can enjoy your weekends without dealing with dust. 

You can easily control it through the app or voice commands via Alexa or Google Assistant, all while relaxing on your couch.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the Roomba 600 series, including the 694, employs a “bumper car” navigation style, unlike the more efficient row-based cleaning employed by its pricier counterparts like the i3+ EVO and j7+ series. 

So, the 694 efficiently covers the entirety of a room, but the i3+ EVO and the j7+ series offer a more systematic approach, potentially reducing cleaning time.

App and voice controlThe battery life is lesser than most competitors
Smart scheduling feature
AeroVac advantage
Heavy-duty suction

6. Best Budget: ILIFE V3s Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Price (at the time of publishing): $159.99

Customer reviews: 4.2/5

best budget automatic vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors

Quick Facts:

  • Runtime: 90-100 minutes
  • Noise Level: 56 decibels
  • Dustbin Capacity: 300ml
  • Dimensions: 11.81″ x 11.81″ x 3.19″

The ILIFE V3s Pro is a budget-friendly option for those seeking a basic automatic vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors. It excels at picking up loose debris, operates quietly, and offers convenient scheduling.

We clocked it running for 90 minutes per charge, covering a decent amount of ground at a pleasantly quiet hum. Plus, the vacuum and charging dock is surprisingly compact, occupying minimal floor space.

At this price point, some compromises are inevitable, but the V3s Pro performs its core function well: keeping bare floors clean with impressive ease.

It frequently got disoriented, bumping into furniture, and cleaning took longer than necessary. We manually guided it back on track more often than we’d like.

 The dustbin is smaller, so you’ll need to empty it after each cleaning cycle, especially if you have pets.

The V3s Pro struggles with pet hair on carpets. The suction power just isn’t strong enough to pull deeply embedded fur. You might want to consider a different model if you have pets and mostly carpets.

Slim and sleek bodyThe navigation is weak, so it gets lost easily
Very quiet compared to other modelsThe remote is not very intuitive
Easy to use
Suction is good for daily cleaning.

7. Best Vac and Mop Combo: Dreametech L10 Pro Robot Vacuum and Mop

Price (at the time of publishing): $279.99

Customer reviews: 4.1/5

best vac and mop automatic vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors

Quick Facts

  • Suction Power: 4,000 Pa
  • Dustbin Capacity: 550 ml
  • Water Tank Capacity: 270 ml
  • Runtime: Up to 2.5 hours
  • Noise Level: 65 dB

The Dreametech L10 is the best vacuum and mop combo among the vacuums we tested. It has a powerful suction, smart navigation, and versatile mopping capabilities.

Unlike its bump-and-go predecessors, the L10 Pro uses LiDAR technology to map your home with laser precision. This means it navigates flawlessly, avoiding furniture, obstacles, and even those pesky throw rugs that plague other robots. We were particularly impressed with its ability to transition between hardwood and carpet, adjusting its cleaning mode automatically.

The L10 Pro is a tech-savvy sidekick. It connects with your smartphone app, letting you schedule cleanings, set no-go zones, and monitor its progress in real-time. You can even control it with voice commands through Alexa or Google Home.

Compared to other robot vacuums, the L10 Pro stands out for its powerful suction, laser-guided navigation, and versatile mopping capabilities. It’s quieter than many competitors, operating at around 65 dB on the lowest suction setting. 

It lacks a self-emptying dustbin, but the generous 550ml capacity means you won’t need to empty it frequently.

The only downside is that its mopping attachment isn’t as effective on heavily soiled floors, and you’ll need to refill the water tank for larger spaces manually. 

Powerful suction powerNo self-emptying dustbin
Laser guided navigationMopping is not ideal for heavily soiled floors
Quiet operation
Large dustbin capacity

What To Look For When Buying an Automatic Vacuum Cleaner Under $400?

You need to consider certain factors before picking the best automatic vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors, especially when your budget is fixed at $400. 

Here’s what you should focus on. 

Compatibility for Hardwood Floors

The primary concern when choosing a robot vacuum for hardwood floors is its compatibility with this delicate surface. You want a device that not only effectively removes dust and debris but does so without causing any harm to your cherished hardwood flooring. 

Look for automatic vacuum models with specialized brushes and sensors designed to treat hardwood carefully. Soft bristle brushes and anti-scratch sensors ensure the vacuum maneuvers gently across the floor, maintaining its finish and longevity. 

We also recommend choosing a vacuum with adjustable suction settings. It helps you tailor the cleaning power to the unique demands of your hardwood surfaces, from gentle maintenance to more intensive cleaning sessions.

Mapping Functions

A robot vacuum that stumbles around like a lost puppy is not ideal. You need a strategic navigator, one that maps your home with precision. 

Laser navigation is the gold standard, creating a detailed map of your floor plan and allowing the robot to clean systematically and efficiently. This is especially important for larger homes or those with complex layouts. 

It’s best to look for features like obstacle avoidance and no-go zones, ensuring your automatic vacuum cleaner cleans where it’s supposed to, sparing precious furniture, and avoiding dangerous drop-offs.

WiFi Connectivity

WiFi-enabled automatic vacuums offer a range of benefits, including remote control via smartphone apps and compatibility with virtual assistant devices. 

WiFi-connected vacuums allow users to initiate or schedule cleaning sessions remotely, adapting to the unpredictable nature of daily life. You can also monitor the progress and adjust settings from the comfort of your couch. 

Additionally, these vacuums often integrate with voice-activated assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant, offering a hands-free cleaning experience. 

Anti-Bacterial Properties

Some automatic vacuums use UV light to disinfect surfaces as they clean, providing extra germ protection for your hardwood floors. Others come equipped with anti-bacterial filters or UV-C sterilization features. 

Some robots automatically empty their dustbins, minimizing manual intervention and maintaining hygienic operation. 

Look for models equipped with HEPA filters that capture microscopic allergens and dust particles, ideal for allergy sufferers.

Battery Life

Choose a robot with sufficient battery life to clean your entire floor space on a single charge, especially if you have a large home.

The best automatic vacuum cleaners automatically return to their docking station to recharge and resume cleaning where they left off, ensuring uninterrupted cleaning cycles.


Consider noise levels to comfort and avoid disturbing others, especially if you have pets or young children. Most good-quality models operate at around 60 dB or less.

Some automatic vacuum cleaners even offer quieter cleaning modes for nighttime operation, allowing you to wake up to sparkling clean floors.

Reviews and Pricing

Before buying a robot vacuum, explore expert and user reviews to gather insights into real-world performance, reliability, and noise levels.

You can also set a budget and compare prices across different models and brands to find the best value for your needs.

Lastly, ensure the robot has a comprehensive warranty and reliable customer support for peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Robot Vacuums worth it?

Yes, robot vacuums are worth it for people with busy lives, pet owners, and those who hate manual vacuuming. They save time, handle daily dust, and conquer hard-to-reach spots.

What is the Best Automatic Vacuum Cleaner for Dark Hardwood Floors?

The best automatic vacuum cleaner for dark hardwood floors is one that navigates well, avoids scratches, and picks up fine dust. The Shark AV970 is a great choice for many dark wood floor owners if you prioritize powerful suction, gentle cleaning, and an affordable price tag.

Can Robot Vacuums Go From Hardwood to Carpet?

Yes, most automatic vacuums can go from hardwood to carpet. They use sensors to detect changes in floor height and adjust their cleaning modes automatically. Cheaper models might struggle to do so. 


Choosing the best automatic vacuum cleaner for your hardwood floors under $400 takes some thought. Consider one with strong suction power for dirt and pet hair, smart navigation to avoid missed spots, and mopping capabilities if you want the full clean. 

Once you know your priorities, check out the Tikom L9000 Robot Vacuum and Mop. It ticks all the boxes with strong suction, smart mapping, a gentle mop attachment, and quiet operation. Its battery lasts up to 150 minutes to clean your house without a recharge. 

Ready to experience effortless, clean floors? Get your hands on the Tikom L9000 automatic vacuum and let it do the work for you!

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