Can Hardwood Floors Cause Foot Pain?

Hardwood floors make a hard surface for your feet that provides little to no cushioning or shock absorption. We talked to Dr. Jack Morris, M.D., a consultant podiatrist with 7+ years of experience, to ask if walking on hardwood floors causes foot pain. Here is what we learned. 

Hardwood floors put stress on your feet and joints, which for most of us is not an issue, but if you have any underlying conditions such as plantar fasciitis or arthritis, it may cause foot pain.

This article describes the different ways in which hardwood floors can cause foot pain and provides you with tips on how to prevent and treat it.

How May Hardwood Floors Cause Foot Pain?

Hardwood floors may cause foot pain for various reasons, affecting your comfort and foot health. Some of them include: 

Lack of Cushioning

Hardwood floors are rigid and offer little cushioning. They don’t absorb shock or impact, as well as softer surfaces like carpets. 

As a result, every step you take on hardwood floors may transmit more force up through your legs and into your feet, leading to discomfort and foot pain.

High Impact on Joints

The unyielding nature of hardwood floors means that when you walk or stand on them, there’s more impact on your joints, particularly in your knees and hips. High impact contributes to foot pain, as the strain from walking on hard surfaces travels up your legs, affecting your feet as well.

Insufficient Arch Support

Hardwood floors don’t provide the arch support that some individuals require. If you have high or low arches, or if you suffer from overpronation (foot rolling inward) or supination (foot rolling outward), the lack of support from the floor can lead to misalignment and foot pain.

When you walk on a hardwood floor, your arches have to work harder to support your body weight. Insufficient support leads to muscle fatigue and pain in your arches, heels, and calves.

Cold Temperatures

During colder seasons, hardwood floors can become quite chilly. Prolonged exposure to cold floors can cause discomfort and, in some cases, lead to stiffness or even exacerbate existing foot pain conditions.

According to research, cold temperatures constrict the blood vessels in your feet, which can reduce blood flow and lead to pain and numbness.

In addition, cold temperatures make the muscles and tendons in your feet and legs less flexible. This makes it more difficult for your feet to absorb impact, which leads to pain and inflammation.

How to Treat Foot Pain Caused by Hardwood Floors?

There are a number of ways to treat foot pain caused by hardwood floors. The best treatment for you will depend on the severity of your pain and the underlying cause.

Here are some common ways that might work: 

  • Rest: One of the best ways to treat foot pain caused by hardwood floors is to rest your feet. Avoid standing or walking on hardwood floors as much as possible. If you must stand or walk, try to wear supportive shoes and take breaks to sit down and rest your feet.
  • Ice: Icing your feet reduces inflammation and pain. Apply an ice pack to your feet for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Epsom salt baths: Soaking your feet in an Epsom salt bath relaxes your muscles and reduces pain. Add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak your feet for 20 minutes.
  • Foot massage: Massaging your feet can improve circulation and reduce pain. Use your hands to massage your feet gently, focusing on the areas where you are experiencing pain.

Do Hardwood Floors Cause Foot Pain to Everyone?

No, hardwood floors do not cause foot pain to everyone. However, they can contribute to foot pain in some people. 

People who spend a lot of time on their feet, such as those who have standing jobs or who engage in high-impact activities, are more likely to experience foot pain from walking on hardwood floors.

Older individuals are also more prone to foot pain due to a natural reduction in foot padding and shock absorption.

People with high or low arches might experience foot pain differently. High arches may lead to increased pressure on the balls and heels of your feet, while low arches can result in flat feet, causing discomfort on hard surfaces.

Tips to Reduce Foot Pain

Here are some tips to reduce foot pain while walking on hardwood floors:

  • Wear supportive shoes: Choose shoes with good arch support and cushioning.
  • Place rugs or carpets on hardwood floors: A soft walking surface will provide some cushioning and help reduce the impact of walking on a hard surface.
  • Use a foot roller: A foot roller can help you massage and stretch the muscles and tendons in your feet. Stretching improves flexibility and reduces pain and inflammation.
  • Avoid walking barefoot: Barefoot walking on hardwood floors can put extra stress on your feet and joints.
  • Use warm socks: Wearing warm socks can improve blood flow to your feet.
  • Stretch your feet: Stretching your feet can improve flexibility and reduce pain. Try doing some simple foot stretches, such as toe circles and ankle rolls, before and after walking on hardwood floors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Hardwood Floors Bad for Your Joints?

Hardwood floors are bad for your joints only if you have existing joint problems or spend a lot of time standing or walking on them. They provide little cushioning or shock absorption, which can put extra stress on your joints. 

Is It Bad To Walk Barefoot on Hard Floors?

Yes, walking barefoot on hard floors can be bad for your feet and joints, especially if you do it for long periods. The lack of cushioning puts extra stress on your feet and joints, leading to pain and inflammation.

Can Cold Floors Cause Foot Pain?

Yes, cold floors can cause foot pain. Cold temperatures constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the feet, leading to numbness, tingling, and pain. Additionally, cold floors can cause the muscles and tendons in the feet to tighten, which can also lead to pain.


Hardwood floors can cause foot pain in some people, especially those who spend a lot of time on their feet or who have underlying foot conditions. The lack of cushioning and shock absorption, high impact on joints, insufficient arch support, and cold temperatures can all contribute to foot pain.

If you experience foot pain after walking on hardwood floors, there are certain things you can do to prevent and treat it. They include wearing supportive shoes, placing rugs or carpets on hardwood floors, using a foot roller, avoiding walking barefoot, and stretching your feet.

If the pain is severe or does not improve with home treatment, see a podiatrist for further evaluation and treatment.

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