Can I Steam Clean Hardwood Floors?

Maintaining the pristine condition of hardwood floors is an ongoing battle against dirt, grime, and daily wear and tear. Traditional cleaning methods often fall short, leaving behind stubborn stains and lingering bacteria. Steam cleaning is a newer, chemical-free solution that promises deep cleaning. 

Yet, amidst the buzz surrounding steam cleaning, a lingering question remains: can you steam clean your hardwood floors safely? We explored the science and consulted professionals to reach a conclusion. 

Yes, steam cleaning hardwood floors is safe, provided your floors aren’t damaged. This article explains how to steam clean your floors effectively and how often you should do it. 

Is It Safe to Steam Clean Hardwood Floors?

Yes, steam cleaning is a safe method to clean sealed hardwood floors. The hot steam kills bacteria and loosens dirt and grime, leaving your floors sparkling clean without the use of harsh chemicals. However, use caution when steam cleaning hardwood floors, as excessive moisture can damage the wood.

Steam mops produce steam with a moisture content of less than 5%, which is significantly lower than traditional mops and can leave floors dripping wet. The low moisture content prevents the wood from absorbing too much moisture and warping or swelling.

The steam produced by steam mops evaporates quickly, leaving the floor virtually dry almost immediately. The quick drying time further minimizes the risk of water damage to the wood.

When Should You Not Steam Clean?

There are certain situations when you should not use a steam cleaner to prevent potential damage to your hardwood floors. These circumstances include: 

  1. Unsealed Hardwood Floors: Steam cleaning is not suitable for unsealed hardwood floors as the excess moisture can penetrate the porous wood, causing it to swell, warp, or crack. Unsealed floors lack the protective sealant that prevents moisture from damaging the wood fibers.
  2. Damaged or Worn-Out Hardwood Floors: If your hardwood floors exhibit visible signs of damage, such as deep scratches, cracks, or worn-out areas, avoid steam cleaning them. The steam can further penetrate these compromised areas, exacerbating the damage and potentially leading to splintering or warping.
  3. Floors with Gaps or Cracks: Hardwood floors with gaps or cracks between the planks should not be steam cleaned. The steam can seep into these gaps, causing the wood to expand and contract unevenly, leading to further gaps and instability.
  4. Floors with Radiant Heat Systems: Steam cleaning should be avoided on hardwood floors installed over radiant heat systems. The intense heat from the steam can damage the radiant heat elements and disrupt the system’s functionality.
  5. Floors with Loose or Damaged Planks: If any of your hardwood floor planks are loose or damaged, avoid steam cleaning until the planks have been repaired or replaced. The steam can further destabilize the loose planks and cause them to buckle or lift.

How to Steam Clean Your Sealed Hardwood Floors?

Steam cleaning hardwood floors involves 3 phases: the preparatory phase, the cleaning phase, and the post-cleaning phase. 


Before you begin, gather all the necessary supplies, including a steam cleaner, microfiber pad, and distilled water.

Remove any furniture or objects from the floor to ensure unobstructed access. Sweep or vacuum the floor thoroughly to eliminate loose dirt and debris.

Next, test the steam level of your steam cleaner on an inconspicuous area of the floor to ensure it’s not too hot or too wet. Adjust the steam settings accordingly.

Steam Cleaning

Fill the steam cleaner’s water reservoir with distilled water. Do not use tap water, as it may contain minerals that can damage the steam cleaner or leave residue on the floor.

Now, attach a clean microfiber pad to the steam cleaner’s mop head. Microfiber pads are gentle on hardwood floors and effectively remove dirt and grime.

Turn on the steam cleaner and allow it to heat up to the desired temperature. Once ready, begin steaming the floor, moving the steam cleaner slowly and evenly in small sections. Overlap each pass of the steam cleaner slightly to ensure complete coverage and avoid leaving any streaks.

If any excess moisture accumulates on the floor, wipe it up immediately with a clean microfiber cloth. This will prevent the wood from absorbing too much moisture and warping.


After you are done cleaning your hardwood floors, allow the floors to air dry completely before placing furniture or walking on them. Open the windows or use a fan to circulate air and further promote drying.

Once the floors are dry, enjoy the refreshed appearance and cleanliness of your steam-cleaned hardwood floors.

How Often Should You Steam Clean?

As a general rule, steam cleaning hardwood floors once a week is sufficient for maintaining their appearance and hygiene. The actual frequency will depend on various factors, including household traffic, the presence of pets, and the overall cleanliness of the floors. 

If your floors experience high traffic or frequent spills, you may need to steam clean them more often, perhaps up to twice a week. 

Conversely, if your floors are relatively low-traffic and remain clean, you can extend the interval between steam cleanings to every two weeks or even once a month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Steaming Floors Better Than Mopping?

Yes, steaming floors is better than mopping as it is more effective at removing dirt, grime, and bacteria. It also sanitizes the floor without the use of harsh chemicals.

What Floors Should Not Be Steam Mopped?

Unsealed, damaged, or worn hardwood floors, floors with gaps or cracks, and floors with radiant heat systems should not be steam mopped.

Why is My Floor Still Dirty After I Steam Mop?

Your floor may still be dirty after steam mopping due to several factors, such as using too much water, not mopping often enough, or not cleaning the steam mop pad regularly.


The steam mops are designed to use very little water, which helps prevent any harm to the wood. However, it’s crucial to be careful with unsealed floors or those with visible damage, as steam might not be suitable for them.

Upgrade your hardwood floor care with the Bissell Steam Mop, a top-notch solution for safe and effective cleaning. It’s designed just for hardwood, making your cleaning routine a breeze. 

Get yourself a Bissell Steam Mop today, and see the difference in your shiny, clean floors!

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