Why Do Hardwood Floors Scratch So Easily? (5 Biggest Culprits)

Hardwood flooring is a popular choice for many homeowners because of its beauty and durability. However, even the hardest wood floors can scratch easily, especially in high-traffic areas.

Hardwood floors scratch so easily because they are a natural material and are susceptible to wear and tear. The hardness of the wood, the grain pattern, the finish, and the amount of traffic on the floor can all contribute to scratching.

This article explains the reasons why hardwood floors are prone to scratching and describes ways to prevent scratching to keep your hardwood floors looking flawless for years to come.

How Do Scratches Happen?

Scratches happen on hardwood floors when a hard object rubs against the wood and damages the surface. The natural wear and tear of everyday use can also cause scratches. Over time, even the most well-maintained hardwood floors will develop some scratches.

Hardwood floors with a matte or satin finish scratch more easily than floors with a gloss finish. This is because gloss finishes reflect light, which helps to hide imperfections.

What Causes Hardwood Floors To Scratch So Easily?

Hardwood floors are a beautiful and durable flooring option, but they are not impervious to scratches. There are a number of things that can cause hardwood floors to scratch, including:

  1. Dirt and debris: When dirt and debris are tracked in on shoes and boots, they can act as abrasive particles, scratching the floor as people walk across it. This is especially true if the dirt and debris are sharp or gritty. To prevent this, it is important to remove your shoes or boots when entering your home and to vacuum or sweep your floors regularly.
  1. Pet nails: Pets’ nails can also scratch hardwood floors. If your pet has long nails, it is important to trim them regularly. You can also train your pet to walk on a rug or mat when they are inside the house.
  1. Furniture: Furniture legs can also scratch hardwood floors, especially if they are not equipped with felt pads. Felt pads are small pieces of material that are attached to the bottom of furniture legs to protect them from scratching the floor. You can purchase felt pads at most hardware stores.
  1. Dropped objects: Hard or sharp objects dropped on the floor can cause scratches, especially if they are heavy. To prevent this, be careful when carrying objects around your home, and avoid dropping them on the floor.
  1. Improper cleaning: Using harsh cleaning products or abrasive scrubbers can damage the finish on the wood, making it more susceptible to scratches. It is important to use a mild cleaning solution and a soft mop when cleaning your hardwood floors. You should also avoid using abrasive scrubbers, as they can scratch the wood.

How To Fix Scratches on Hardwood Floors?

To fix hardwood flooring scratches, you first need to assess the damage and then repair minor and deep scratches. Here are tips to help you refinish hardwood floors to their former glory.

Assessing the Damage

Before you try to fix the damage, it is better to recognize why your hardwood floor scratches so easily. Then, carefully inspect your hardwood floor and see if the scratches are minor surface blemishes or deep gouges. 

The severity of the scratches will determine the best approach. Minor scratches can often be repaired with DIY methods, but deep or widespread damage may require professional refinishing. 

Repairing Minor Scratches

For small surface scratches, you can use a touch-up kit or a wood stain marker that matches your floor’s color. Gently fill in the scratch with the marker or apply a small amount of stain using a cotton swab. Wipe off any excess and let it dry. If the scratches are merely in the finish, you can try rubbing them out with a mixture of equal parts olive oil and vinegar. Apply it to the scratches, let it sit for a moment, and then buff it with a clean cloth.

Repairing Deep Scratches

For deeper scratches, you may need to use wood filler. Clean the scratched area, apply the filler, and smooth it out with a putty knife. Let it dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After it’s dry, sand the area gently to make it even with the surrounding wood. Finish by staining or matching the floor color with a wood marker.

Refinishing Hardwood Floors

If the scratches are extensive or affect the entire floor, refinishing may be necessary. This involves sanding the entire floor to remove the existing finish and scratches. After sanding, you can apply a new finish, either oil-based or water-based, to restore your floor’s luster and protect it from future damage. This is a more extensive process that may require professional help.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Stop Wood Floors From Scratching?

To stop wood floors from scratching, clean them regularly, use felt pads under furniture, place rugs in high-traffic areas, and trim your pet’s nails. 

Is It Normal for Hardwood Floors to Scratch So Easily?

Yes, it is normal for hardwood floors to scratch, especially in high-traffic areas. Hardwood is a natural material, and while it is durable, it is not immune to wear and tear.

Which Hardwood Floor Is Most Scratch Resistant?

The most scratch-resistant hardwood floor is Brazilian walnut, also known as ipe, with a Janka hardness rating of 3680. Other scratch-resistant hardwood floors include hickory (1820), maple (1450), and white oak (1360).


Hardwood floors are a beautiful and durable addition to any home, but they can also be susceptible to scratches. By understanding the causes of hardwood floor scratching and taking steps to prevent it, you can keep your floors looking their best for years to come.

If you are looking for a hardwood floor finish that is highly scratch-resistant, we recommend using a polyurethane finish. Polyurethane finishes are very durable and can help to protect your hardwood floors from scratches and other damage.

Click here to get your hands on the top-quality hardwood floor finish. 

1 thought on “Why Do Hardwood Floors Scratch So Easily? (5 Biggest Culprits)”

  1. This article is a must-read for anyone with hardwood floors! Understanding why they scratch so easily is key to protecting and maintain them. From improper cleaning to pet nails, the five biggest culprits outlined here shed light on common causes of scratches and offer valuable tips for prevention. Thanks for the insightful analysis.

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