How to Clean Hardwood Floors Naturally?

Hardwood floor upkeep often involves harsh chemical cleaners that compromise both your health and the environment. 

We consulted 7 homeowners who have preserved their hardwood floors for generations, gathering insights from their time-tested methods to clean hardwood floors naturally.

Our research led us to various natural ingredients, such as plant-based soap solutions, vinegar, essential oils, citrus, black tea, and baking soda, that work wonders on hardwood floors. 

This article is a practical guide to DIY natural hardwood floor cleaners and the optimal cleaning routine to keep your floors shining. 

Equipment You Will Need

Cleaning hardwood floors naturally requires a trusty toolkit. Don’t worry, you won’t need a mountain of equipment – just a few key pieces to keep your floors gleaming. 

Here’s a rundown of the essentials:

  • Microfiber mop: Gentle on wood and avoids streaking.
  • Soft-bristled brush: Useful for cleaning baseboards and tight corners.
  • Dustpan and broom: For initial dust and debris removal.
  • Bucket: To hold your cleaning solution.
  • DIY hardwood floor cleaning solution: For targeted cleaning of spills or stains.

4 Best Solutions to Clean Hardwood Floors Naturally and How to Use Them

Nature offers a vibrant palette of effective, safe, and gentle cleaning solutions that glisten your floors without compromising your well-being or the environment.

Here are our top 4 tried and tested cleaners that produce amazing results when you clean hardwood floors with them. 

  1. Plant-based soap and water
  2. Vinegar and lavender oil cleaning solution
  3. Citrus-based cleaner
  4. Black Tea, Baking Soda, and Jojoba Oil Solution

Let’s look at how to make and use each of these.

01. Plant-based Soap and Water

The classic duo of plant-based soap and water is readily available, affordable, and gentle on wood and the environment. The soap lifts dirt and grime while the water rinses it away, leaving behind a clean, uncoated surface. 

With plant-based soap, you can choose hypoallergenic options, making it a safer choice for homes with pets or allergies.


  • 1 tablespoon plant-based soap (dish soap or castile soap)
  • 1 gallon lukewarm water


  1. Mix the soap and water in a bucket.
  2. Dampen your microfiber mop in the solution, wringing it out thoroughly to avoid over-wetting the floor.
  3. Mop the floor in sections, starting at the farthest corner and working your way back.
  4. Rinse the mop frequently in clean water to avoid spreading dirt.
  5. Dry the floor with a clean cloth to prevent water marks.

02. Vinegar and Lavender Oil Cleaning Solution

The vinegar naturally cuts through grime and grease, while lavender oil adds a delightful scent and antibacterial properties. This solution is especially helpful for kitchens and entryways, where spills and strong odors are common.


  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 1 gallon lukewarm water


  1. Combine vinegar, lavender oil, and water in a spray bottle.
  2. Lightly mist the floor with the solution.
  3. Wipe the floor with a damp microfiber mop, ensuring the mop is barely damp to avoid excessive moisture.
  4. Dry the floor with a clean cloth.

03. Citrus-based Cleaner

Citrus oils like lemon or orange work wonders on greasy stains and grime. They clean the built-up dirt and leave a light, refreshing scent. 

However, you need to be careful while using citrus-based cleaners. Too much acidity can be harsh on wood, so don’t use a citrus-based cleaner more than once a month. 


  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice or orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 gallon lukewarm water


  1. Mix the lemon or orange juice, olive oil, and water in a bucket.
  2. Dampen your microfiber mop in the solution, wringing it out thoroughly.
  3. Mop the floor in sections, focusing on areas with grime or grease.
  4. Rinse the mop frequently and dry the floor with a clean cloth.

04. Black Tea, Baking Soda, and Jojoba Oil Solution

The unique blend of black tea, baking soda, and jojoba oil has powerful restorative properties. Black tea has tannins that naturally stain wood, hiding minor scratches and adding a warm glow. Baking soda gently scrubs away stubborn stains, while jojoba oil nourishes and conditions the wood.


  • 2 black tea bags
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • 1 gallon lukewarm water


  1. Steep the tea bags in the hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the tea bags and let the water cool.
  3. Add the baking soda and jojoba oil to the cooled water and mix the solution well.
  4. Dampen your microfiber mop in the solution, wringing it out thoroughly.
  5. Mop the floor in sections, working in the direction of the wood grain.
  6. Buff the floor with a clean, dry cloth to enhance the shine.

Natural Deep Cleaning Techniques for Hardwood Floors

Even the most diligent routine cleaning leaves behind hidden grime that demands a deeper excavation. Natural deep cleaning methods for hardwood floors ensure thorough sanitation without compromising their integrity. 

Invest in a high-quality microfiber steam mop, and fill the reservoir with distilled water infused with a few drops of lemon essential oil. Glide the mop across the floor, letting the steam gently coax out any lingering dirt and grime while leaving behind a refreshing citrus scent. Steam cleaning gently lifts dirt and sanitizes the pores without leaving behind chemical residues.

For targeted stain removal, whip up a baking soda and water paste, gently scrub it onto the stain, and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away.

Revitalize the wood with a homemade olive oil and vinegar polish: mix equal parts of each, buff it into the floor with a soft cloth, and revel in the warm, natural shine.

Don’t forget the baseboards! Use a soft-bristled brush dipped in a mild castile soap and water solution to whisk away dust and grime, leaving your floors refreshed from top to bottom.

How Often Should You Clean Hardwood Floors Naturally?

Keeping hardwood floors naturally clean requires a well-balanced approach with daily and weekly regular maintenance and occasional deep cleaning. 

The frequency of regular maintenance should be as follows:

  • Daily dusting: Use a soft microfiber mop or dustpan to gently remove everyday dust and pet hair before they accumulate and become more challenging to tackle.
  • Weekly sweeping/vacuuming: Opt for a soft-bristled broom or a vacuum cleaner with a hardwood floor setting to remove dirt, crumbs, and debris. Vacuuming will prevent fine dirt from getting ground into the wood.
  • Prompt spill cleanup: Address spills immediately with a clean, absorbent cloth to prevent staining and moisture damage.

For deeper cleans, you may follow a monthly or quarterly cleaning schedule:

  • Monthly mopping: Prepare a natural cleaning solution, like a citrus-based cleaner or a plant-based soap and water mix, to remove grime and restore shine. Remember to dampen the mop, not the floor, and avoid excessive wetting.
  • Seasonal deep cleaning: Consider a more thorough deep cleaning every 3-4 months, depending on foot traffic and wear. This could involve tackling tough stains, steam mopping, buffing the floors, or applying a natural nourishing

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Make My Hardwood Floors Shine Naturally?

Using olive oil or natural essential oil-based cleaning solutions makes hardwood floors shine naturally. 

Can I Use Olive Oil on Wood Floors?

Yes, you can use olive oil on wood floors to nourish and shine them naturally. However, too much oil may leave a sticky residue and attract dirt, so use it in moderation. 

What are the Best Natural Oils for Wood Floors?

The best natural oils for hardwood floors include jojoba oil, lavender essential oil, and tung oil. The natural oils offer water-resistant properties and provide a lustrous surface. 


Cleaning hardwood floors doesn’t require harsh chemicals or a hefty budget. It is achievable with a simple toolkit and readily available ingredients. 

From the classic plant-based soap and water to the unique blend of black tea and jojoba oil, nature provides an array of effective cleaning solutions that leave your floors gleaming and safeguard your health and the environment. 

Remember, consistency is key – regular dusting, weekly sweeping, and prompt spill cleanups form the foundation for a sparkling floor. For deeper cleans, schedule monthly mopping sessions and seasonal deep cleaning to tackle tougher stains and restore the wood’s natural beauty.

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